Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 - TV Tropes (2025)

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 is an Action RPG developed by Flight-Plan for the Game Boy Advance. It is a spin-off to the Summon Night series and is a sequel to Summon Night: Swordcraft Story.

The game starts in the small town of Cliff in Lyndbaum. Nearby, there are ruins where a powerful, evil summon creature named "Goura" has been sealed for years. One day, the protagonist (either Edgar or Aera) takes their friend Ryouga to the ruins after losing a bet. A series of events causes Goura to be unleashed. The only way to stop him is to find the legendary Daemon Edge sword.

The game's unrelated sequel, Summon Night Craft Sword Monogatari: Hajimari no Ishi, was never released outside of Japan.

Summon Night: Swordscraft Story 2 contains examples of:

  • Accidental Pervert: Late into the game, Edgar/Aera comes across a nude woman in a hot spring. She and her brother attack you for doing so.
  • A Master Makes Their Own Tools: Craftknights use weapons they have themselves have forged and consider it dishonorable to fight with a weapon crafted by someone else, even in life or death situations.

    Blaire: Have you already forgotten about the Spirit of the Craftknight?

    Aera: No, sir...

    Blaire: You have to make your own weapon! No Craftknight would go into battle with somebody else's sword! It'd be like... wearing their underwear! Yeurgh!

  • Ambiguous Gender: Arno. The Japanese version implies it's female though, while the American implies it's a male by changing his voice.

    Random Character: Are you a boy or a girl?!
    Arno: I am a child of the wind~

  • Amulet of Concentrated Awesome: Edgar/Aera starts the game with a memento from their father, which turns out to be the key to their Transformation Sequence, and thus becomes a Transformation Trinket.
  • Apologises a Lot: Angel!Dinah, to make up for Devil!Dinah's rather rude behaviour.
  • Behemoth Battle: You get the opportunity to control the Humongous Mecha Gunvald for one fight and kick Borgrim's ass with him.
  • Black Knight: The Black Swordsman, an armored knight that mixes impressive swordplay with wind magic. His true identity is Gabriel.
  • Blood Knight: Loki and Rampage Rabbit.
  • Canon Name: Edgar for the male protagonist, Aera for the female protagonist.
  • Continuity Nod: An NPC mentions asking Blaire to forge them a new ladle so they can make curry, referring to the first game.
  • Deconstruction: Despite its more upbeat theme, the game does deconstruct the franchise's use of summoning Guardian Beasts. Gabriel shows the sadness a summon can feel at being Trapped in Another World, and Lynn shows just how horrible the summoner/Guardian Beast Bond can be with a cruel master.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Devil!Dinah in the second game does the same; Angel!Dinah on the other hand is as sweet as they come and Apologises a Lot.
  • Demonic Possession: Inverted with Dinah, a devil possessed by an angel.
  • Dramatic Unmask: Edgar/Aera finally breaks the Black Swordsman's armor on their third fight, revealing Gabriel behind the mask.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: In the last fight, you gain a stronger version of the gem morph.
  • Everybody Lives: Like the first game, apart from the Posthumous Character, only the Obviously Evil characters that die.
  • Fishing Minigame: The game has one. It's required to be played a lot to both advance the story and acquire the materials dropped by bosses.
  • Genki Girl:
    • Tatiana is this way.
    • The greedy guide Tier is also one.
  • Grand Theft Me: What Passeau does to Nina Nina.
    • Also what Guren Goura wanted to do to Edgar/Aera. When that fails, he does it to Lynn instead.
  • Heroic BSoD: EXeLD has a bad habit of literally BSOD-ing whenever something occurs that he deems "impossible".
  • Humongous Mecha: Gunvald.
  • Hopeless Boss Fight: The first battle against Goura.
  • Hot Blood: Tatiana.
  • Idiot Hair: Edgar, Nina Nina, and Passeau while still in Nina's body.
  • I Never Said It Was Poison: After obtaining the first Daemon Edge during the walk with Gabriel he mentions it was the first Daemon Edge, something he wasn't around to learn. While he manages to fool Aera with an excuse, the look on his face and injury to his arm make his status as the Black Swordsman clear.
  • Kid Hero: Edgar/Aera is only fifteen and is still just a Craftknight apprentice when they're forced to go on an adventure.
  • Killer Rabbit: Rampage Rabbit. You can fight him once per day for extra experience and items. Just don't call him cute.
  • The Klutz: The beginning of the game has Edgar/Aera nearly falling off a cliff.
  • Large Ham: Blaire frequently accents lines with Eyedscreen. He's the only character to do this.
    • Incoming Ham: Its first use in the "A hammer is not just for forging weapons. It forges a woman!" line (between the two sentences) makes his character clear for the rest of the game.
  • Lethal Chef: Tatiana.
  • Lighter and Softer: While both Swordcraft Story games are lighthearted enough, this game takes place in a brighter environment, and features a more colorful cast of characters in both appearance and personality. You're not even told to sacrifice your Guardian Beast in the end.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Dinah is a sarcastic but not exactly evil devil.
  • Lovable Sex Maniac: Lynn, to the point that her first scene in the game is flashing Edgar/Aera.
  • Macross Missile Massacre: EXeLD's Omni Missile.
  • Noble Demon: Loki, Dinah (at least half of her) and Lynn, Ryouga.
  • Now, Where Was I Going Again?: Just like the last game, pressing Select brings your objective up by talking with your Guardian Beast.
  • Only One Name: Justified, as per the main series' customs, only summoners are granted a last name. Such as Gedharm Camcarossa and Nina Nina. Zigzagged with the Player Character Edgar/Aera, who, despise being a Craftknight, still carries the Colthearts name on them due to family heritage.
  • Parental Abandonment: Edgar/Aera's parents both died years ago, their mother when they were born, and their father prior to the beginning of the game.
  • Previous Player-Character Cameo: Similarly to the previous game, the heroes from Summon Night 2 make a guest appearance.
  • Purely Aesthetic Gender: Somewhat played straight, but fully expected due to Schrödinger's Player Character. Edgar and Aera are essentially the same person, with a few differences in personality (Aera being a bit more absentminded than Edgar) and design (Edgar is a blonde while Aera has pink hair). Subverted in the Party Banter between them and their chosen Guardian Beast, where their differences become more apparent.
  • Real Men Wear Pink:
    • Orion can cook well.
    • Then there's a summon spirit with peculiar requirements to pass him.

    A man's got to do what a man's got to do! I need to wear sexy women's clothing!

  • Repetitive Name: Nina Nina. Edgar/Aera mocks this by introducing them and their Guardian Beast as "Edgar Edgar/Aera Aera" and "Guardian Guardian", to which Nina calls them out on.
  • Reverse Cerebus Syndrome: This game seems to be lighter in tone in comparison to the previous game, from start to end. It has it moments trying to subvert this trope, but all in all it's a very cheerful and optimistic journey.
    • To wit, the storyline culminates in the reveal that the true form of Goura is actually a little kid, and Edgar/Aera essentially taught him to behave nicely before he seals himself up until he can gather enough energy to go back home.
  • Say It with Hearts: A villager in the item shop does this, as well as Lynn... sometimes, but especially when she wants something.
  • Script Breaking: Talking to your Guardian Beast the evening after first visiting the beach region, where a stray summon blocked you from going further unless you ask "like a sexy woman would ask her man" (don't ask, that stray is just a pervert). You can try it yourself or have your Guardian Beast do it. Yet the conversation at the end of the day will insist that Edgar/Aera tried, no matter what actually happened.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Goura. He learned to be good in the end, but seals himself away until he can gather enough power to go back to his own world.
  • Ship Tease: One of Edgar/Aera's options is to spend a night with Lynn in a secluded area, where she promises to teach him/her about love. It fades to black after you start discussing kissing.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: Byron and Sarin.
  • Strong Family Resemblance:
    • Blaire and his children all share the same striking red hair.
    • Subverted with Ryouga and Lynn. Despite looking alike, they're actually adopted siblings.
  • Token Mini-Moe: Tatiana is an adorable and occasionally bratty Little Sister Heroine type of girl.
  • Transforming Mecha: EXeLD.
  • Transparent Closet: Aera denies being attracted to women despite it being obvious that she is.
  • Tsundere: Loki and Devil!Dinah.
  • Underground Monkey: Subverted. Like its predecessor, the game has stronger palette-swapped variants of enemies you encountered before. Unlike its predecessor, the enemies have new attack animations.
  • Unusable Enemy Equipment: You may be able to break Lynn's weapons, but you cannot go back and craft them because you are forced to proceed to the Final Boss fight right after defeating her.
  • Villain Respect: The Black Swordsman is shocked when Edgar/Aera continues fighting for the village despite them all seemingly turning their backs to him/her. The realization that Edgar/Aera will continue sacrificing him/herself to do good while the Black Swordsman does evil for his own sake leads the Black Swordsman/Gabriel to a Heel–Face Turn.
  • Walking Techbane: Edgar/Aera. Very early on it's discussed that they're hopeless with any machine, the sole exception being Drills as they're one of the Craftknight's staple weapons.
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 - TV Tropes (2025)


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