Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (2025)

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    Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (16) Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (17) Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (18) Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (19) Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (20) Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (21)

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CDProjekt held their live conference stream today. At it's peak there were around 13,500 people watching the stream live so it was quite laggy but I could get most of the details.

We were promised a big announcement; sadly for PC players there wasn't much to get excited about. I took down a few bulleted notes.

  • 400,000 TW2 sales in 1 week
    My notes: whether this is total sales or retail+GoG sales but not Steam+D2D sales is unknown. This figure is very good for a PC only exclusive made in central Europe
  • CDProjekt were very happy with the reviews that they have received from the critics
  • A new patch, version 1.2 is coming out tomorrow (June 3rd), continuing their "philosophy to work on the game even after it's been released", made famous by their free Enhanced Edition release of TW1
  • Version 1.2 will include balance tweaks, a key mapping fix, target locking in combat fixes (so targets at range are no longer lost), TW1 save game importing fixes and the container exploit will be patched out.
    My notes: They were keen to express these aren't all the changes in version 1.2, but I'm guessing those are the biggest and there's no mention of a fix for 16:10 aspect ratio as far as I know
  • All previously released DLCs will be included in v1.2 so all versions of the game will be equal
  • Version 1.2 will also have a new DLC called "Barbers and Coiffeuses" that will allow you to change Geralt's hairstyles. There will be five in total.
    My notes: I can't really get excited about this and can only think they're trying to compete with Bethesda's "Horse Armour" DLC; at least this one will be free!
  • CDProjekt have a special promotion on for people who haven't bought the game yet in the US; $10 off at Amazon, GameStop or Steam
  • CDProjekt's big announcement, as probably expected, is that The Witcher 2 will be coming to the XBox 360 at the end of this year.
    My notes: at this point there was a noticeable drop in people viewing the stream, I myself felt slightly disappointed, but I'm sure it'll be nice for some

Still no word on when the forums will be back up, on the possibility of an SDK for The Witcher 2 and no 16:10 aspect ratio tweak. However I have confidence that the people who released 900mb or so of new content for TW1 in the Enhanced Edition haven't completely gone to the dark side yet. Chin up, I think there's more to come.


  1. Marcvss

    • supporter
    • 1 kudos

    I've installed the patch version 1.2. There've been reports of installation failures among users who downloaded both through the launcher and manual download.

    If this happens to you, try removing any of the previous DLCs (such as swordsman, Troll, Roche Jackets,etc) from your CookedPC folder in TW2 installation folder. This should help with the patch install, it did for me.

    Hope this helps.

    That indeed did the trick. Thanx for the tip!!!

  2. Edmond Dantes

    • member
    • 5 kudos

    I've installed the patch version 1.2. There've been reports of installation failures among users who downloaded both through the launcher and manual download.

    If this happens to you, try removing any of the previous DLCs (such as swordsman, Troll, Roche Jackets,etc) from your CookedPC folder in TW2 installation folder. This should help with the patch install, it did for me.

    Hope this helps.

  3. JimboUK

    • premium
    • 465 kudos

    Full Patch notes...

    How to install Patch 1.2

    PLEASE NOTE: Patch 1.2 may be installed differently depending on circumstances.

    If an active Internet connection is present:

    any new installation of the game will be automatically updated to include patches 1.1 and 1.2 when you run the game launcher and confirm that you wish to update the game to its newest version,
    game copies previously updated to version 1.1 will be automatically updated to version 1.2 when you run the game launcher and confirm that you wish to update the game to its newest version.

    If no active Internet connection is present, patches may be manually downloaded from our website at http://thewitcher.com/patch/. To update your installed game copy, run the downloaded .exe file(s), making sure to update to version 1.1 before installing Patch 1.2.

    If you installed and activated a copy of the game after its release date, thereby downloading and installing the day zero patch, but you did not then install Patch 1.1, auto-patching will not work on your game copy. To update the game to its latest version, you must manually download and install Patch 1.1 as described above. This will enable auto-patching, and your game copy will automatically be updated to the newest version.
    New DLC!
    Barbers and Coiffeuses

    Some traders also provide barbershop services. For a small fee, Geralt can get them to change his hairstyle. Search notice boards for information about barbers and coiffeuses offering services of this nature in a given location. In Flotsam, in Chapter 1 of the game, these services are available from the antique book dealer Einar Gausel. In Chapter 2, look either for Sambor in Henselt’s Camp or for Felicia Cori in Vergen. This apprentice sorceress also provides hairstyling services in Loc Muinne, in Chapter 3 of the game.
    Patch 1.2 Corrections/Amendments (June 3, 2011)

    All previously released DLC packages are installed with Patch 1.2:
    Blue Stripes Combat Jacket
    Ultimate Alchemist's Outfit
    Ultimate Mage's Outfit
    Ultimate Swordsman's Outfit
    Finisher Pack
    Mysterious Merchant
    Troll Trouble
    Patch 1.2 adds a new free DLC package titled “Barbers and Coiffeuses.” To take advantage of barbershop and hairstyling services, look for Einar Gausel in Chapter 1 of the game, Sambor in Henselt’s Camp in Chapter 2, Felicia Cori in Chapter 2 if you travel to Vergen, and Felicia Cori once again in Chapter 3.
    Game saves are now compressed automatically, lowering the amount of disk space they utilize.
    An option has been added to the game menu allowing game saves to be deleted. To delete a game save, highlight the relevant item and press the ‘Delete’ key.
    The game menu now loads at a markedly accelerated pace.
    The game now supports Logitech G35 headphones and other USB headsets with on-board sound cards.
    A number of fixes have been added to the key binding functionality (actions can now be mapped to number pad and cursor/arrow keys).
    Analog sticks on gamepads now work correctly in the GUI panels.
    A number of game balance fixes have been introduced in the Prologue.
    Lock on targets is not lost when the distance to targets increases.
    A number of fixes have been made in blocking functionality during combat. Also, player character responsiveness in combat has been improved, and Geralt can attack more than one target during normal combat.
    A number of corrections have been made in the statistics displayed in item diagrams in the Crafting panel.
    The Witcher 1 saves are now imported correctly.
    An auto–save has been added before the fight against the draug.
    Flare bomb duration is now 2 (two) minutes.
    Issue involving the equipping of bombs (or other items) even if they were not present in the character Inventory has been fixed.
    Islamic–themed and similar textures have been deleted and/or replaced.
    A number of fixes have been made in game dialogues.
    Issue that blocked advancement to the next level at the start of Chapter 3 has been fixed.
    Issue involving the occurrence of T-poses upon the destruction of nekker nests has been corrected.
    Guards can no longer block Geralt when he is on a ladder.
    Knives no longer affect friendly NPCs.
    Bug related to using some containers has been fixed.
    Ostmurk (an ingredient required to complete a quest) can no longer be sold.
    Ingredients required to complete the “Melitele's Heart” quest have been added to the game.
    A fix has been introduced in the “Troll Trouble” quest whereby the she–troll’s head can be won in a game of dice poker.
    The Ghost of the Banner can no longer be killed by wraiths.
    Issue involving the Operator being neutral and thus susceptible to being killed before any conversation occurs has been fixed.
    A number of fixes have been introduced to prevent selected NPCs from being blocked (king in siege tower, knights when destroying a gate in the Prologue, etc.).
    The “Three Sisters” quest has been fixed so that the door does not remain locked forever once the quest has been completed.
    A number of progression breaks have been fixed, including instances of blocked meditation, inability to save game, and blocked combat after use of static cameras (e.g. game could not be saved after completion of the “Indecent Proposal” quest).
    The progression break during the fight against the dragon in Chapter 3 (exploration not working properly) has been fixed.
    The progression break during the fight against Dethmold (whereby he sometimes remained behind his barrier, doing nothing) has been fixed.
    The progression break (black screen) in the Little Shop of Dreams quest has been fixed.
    The progression break following failure to complete the ritual with Anezka has been fixed.
    The progression break during the dialogue on the beach in the “Hung Over” quest has been fixed.

  4. robert01

    • premium
    • 57 kudos

    You know, I honestly don't get the nerd rage here. It just smacks of elitism. I gladly bought the PC version, sure, but I can't help but think that this is the sort of title I genuinely want more people to play, and not everyone has access to a gaming machine powerful enough to do the beautiful environments and characters justice. Releasing The Witcher 2 on the 360 gives a new group of people access to what I believe is a magnificent title. Being angry just seems... wasteful.

    I don't have any form of multi-platform hate. But a lot of the times it feels like the PC versions have been done half-assed so the game developers can squeeze every possible dime out of their games, which it is their right, but they should at least make sure their products work properly, and if not fix them in a timely manner. There are some games that have PC releases that are barely playable without using community made mods, like the enbseries.

    Also maybe people feel like since they are releasing it on the XBOX that the PC version will get neglected, since the console version will probably hit a larger audience. PC gaming is still a niche market, although it is getting larger and larger as technology gets better, it still is significantly smaller than console gaming.

    That isn't something that will change until they stop using DX9.

  5. GalenDev

    • member
    • 0 kudos

    You know, I honestly don't get the nerd rage here. It just smacks of elitism. I gladly bought the PC version, sure, but I can't help but think that this is the sort of title I genuinely want more people to play, and not everyone has access to a gaming machine powerful enough to do the beautiful environments and characters justice. Releasing The Witcher 2 on the 360 gives a new group of people access to what I believe is a magnificent title. Being angry just seems... wasteful.

  6. robert01

    • premium
    • 57 kudos

    I never did get my "free" mysterious merchant download.

    This site contains the information you can use to getting the DLC.

    I just wonder if the XBOX version will be censored.

  7. Terdboy

    • supporter
    • 0 kudos

    >400,000 sold in first week for a PC only game

    GOOD. I love CDPR and hope they continue to churn out top-quality titles; they won't be losing my business anytime soon.

  8. Spaceritual

    • premium
    • 515 kudos

    The free DLC is the main bit for me as I never did get my "free" mysterious merchant download. But this company unlike others recently are pretty quick to fix things and support their games long after most other firms give up and still give you freebies Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (31)

  9. JimboUK

    • premium
    • 465 kudos

    The balance really does need fixing, you start off the prologue dying every five minutes but by the second chapter you're an indestructible death dealing machine.

  10. AvanZX

    • supporter
    • 9 kudos

    I believe as well there will be yet more to see, SDK (let's get it on), more DLC, more love and more game.

    I'm very happy for the positive reception CDProjekt is getting, i think they completely deserve it.

    And very excited about the incoming patch (well it was a surprise), glad they are still polishing the game and that it doesn't take them months to do it.

    And just when i thought great RPGs like KotOR were long gone (and now BioWare which well... is not the good old school BioWare anymore)

    All in all i'm very happy with what CDProjekt has acomplished and very excited for what it's to come.


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Witcher 2, patch 1.2 tomorrow plus new DLC (2025)


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